The stop will be at Bus Bay D, at the terminal. Drop off and pickup only is located adjacent to the terminal.
The stop can be accessed by either Westpark Dr. at 14th St. or from the SW Freeway, southbound, at the Park & Ride entrance.
Signage will direct you to the Megabus parking lot. Passenger pickup and drop off may ONLY be done at the designated MEGABUS parking area.
Houston, TX Horaires des arrêts de bus
Houston (Hillcroft METRO Park and Ride), TX heures ne sont pas disponibles pour le moment.
Les heures de terminal sont susceptibles de changer sans préavis. Pour vérifier les heures où les billets sont vendus, veuillez appeler le terminal ou le contact Service client.
Carte indiquant Houston (Hillcroft METRO Park and Ride) à Houston, TX
Houston (Hillcroft METRO Park and Ride)
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