Ski Clothes or warm layers. It’s important to bundle up for skiing, and to wear waterproof clothing. Ski pants and ski jackets are ideal. Need ski clothing? You can rent clothing in advance here.
Snacks for the road. It’s an early morning, so make sure you bring some breakfast with you for the bus ride up, and snacks for the ride home.
Nalgene or water bottle. Always important to stay hydrated throughout the day!
Phone charger. Your phone will drain a good amount of battery for the day, so make sure you have a charger in case of any emergencies.
Skies and Snowboard IF you have your own. We have plenty of room under the bus if you want to bring your own gear.
Spare Change. Skiing burns A LOT of calories, meaning you’ll be hungry at some point during the day. Bring some cash or credit along so you can refuel on food at the lodge or treat yourself to a beer.